Despite loving it, kind of wish I had never seen it
18 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Warning, will contain spoilers: If only life could be so kind and perfect as the kids in this movie had it. Growing up on a deserted island after their ship catches fire, they spend the first couple of years (from age 8 or so) learning how to survive and live off the land from Paddy Button. He teaches them how to catch and cook food, how to tie knots and build things, how to make fire, etc.

Paddy dies however after a couple of years (possibly less, not sure), and the two children are left to grow and survive on their own. With absolutely no influence from modern society, with no further adult guidance, they learn everything else about life and love on their own. They develop a powerful love and passion for one another, have built a home together, discover sex and eventually had a child (though having no former knowledge of sex or where babies come from, how the child came about is a mystery to them), but they become very great and attentive parents and to young Paddy, named after their old mentor. Natural parents indeed.

They live life totally undistracted and undisturbed from anything modern, and have nothing but love and attention for each other and their baby. Completely unspoiled by anything or anyone else. Real. Pure. True. Who wouldn't want the life that they lived? Their love for each other, and for their child, is so deep that when they fear young Paddy is dying, they do what is necessary to see to it that they can all die together, peacefully, after becoming lost from their island in their rowboat. They are found at the end by Richard's father / Em's uncle, but I believe close to death, too close to save them, and if not, I feel great sorrow for them, because they'd probably never see their island, their home, ever again.

The reason I say I kind of wish I had never seen the movie is because it kind of gives you a depressing feeling. At least to me. Wishing that could have been my life. So pure and unspoiled by anything. To never have a feeling of shame or guilt. To feel true, raw love and passion unimpeded by anything, or anyone. Having to work hard, yet never having to worry about things like money and a work schedule. Never having to worry about childcare, because they could do it themselves 24/7. Things like that. In a next life, if there is one, I would totally live their life if I could have the choice to. They certainly had a true paradise. In every meaning of the word, and were certainly able to life life to its fullest, with all that it has to offer. The way life was meant to be.
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