Review of Warehouse 13

Warehouse 13 (2009–2014)
The show used to be OK, now it has Jumped The Shark during season 2
23 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Warehouse 13 review: Season: 2, Episode: 11 "Buried" is 43:30 of my life that I will never get back!!! Let's call this the "WTF" episode... yet they should have "Buried" the episode.

I used to like Warehouse 13 initially, yet it's evident that both current bad acting (by the direction of the director or actors themselves) and soap-opera-style writing is killing the series.

I know it's sci-fi, but don't repeatedly insult the audience by adding twists that only happen because the writers can't write a complete episode cohesively. As an example on a similar theme - although rated as an OK musical piece, I'd rather see "Mama Mia" on the big screen if I want to watch shows that suspend reality and insult the audience.

Case(s) in point, just to name a few during this episode: - The news report stated the 3 young archeologists (more like college spring break geeky goof-balls than their noble titles denote) died of "dehydration", yet any 5th grader or any on the scene witness could attest to their gruesome (if not atypically mummified) bodies were simultaneously afflicted by something more spooky. I guess the assumed news public portrayed on the show are just as gullible as a Jersey Shore audience in real life – even more so.

  • How come the undisturbed campsite of the 3 (so-called) archeologists had that 1920 Indiana Jones-esquire flair... those guys were geeks that could text a picture half way across the word previously.

  • I used to put up with Myka's "signature wide-eyed scared-to-death" expression. But she used it about 95% of the time on this episode. That coupled with her "pouty yet still thin" lip surgery – still freaks me out now more that ever. Joanne Kelly (aka: Myka) is a better (talented and good looking) actress. Check out her work in Working in a series must be difficult when they pay you to act and look dumb all the time.

  • The ongoing Myka and Pete one-dimensional and clichéd childlike bickering gets old when it's used as "filler" more that six times in one episode. Somebody kill me now before they do it again!

  • Any of Pete's lines during this episode. Originally he was a bit of a mature goof that had physic "vibes" that may have been the reason to include him as "Warehouse 13" material... but at this point Pee Wee Herman or any of the Tele Tubbies have more social skills. Pete is relageted to being the "token dummy" with a kindergarten vocabulary and demeaner. Did they write a lobotomy for Pete in the previous episode? Pete (aka: Eddie Mclintock) has better acting chops than the writers allow him to use lately... so ARE THE WRITERS purposely running the show into the ground?

  • Traversing a corridor with a simple belt over a wire that visibly meant to simulate traveling 30+ mph on a zip line? Du-UH!

  • How did HG know to light up the entire chamber by touching her torch like that. Oh yeah, she saw them do in on "National Treasure". I counted 2 other "NT" rip-offs, the HG Tomb Raider-like outfit and the Indiana Jones campsite theme.

  • The part where everyone was in their happy place in the dream scene? Pete and HG's scenario make sense but I didn't know Myka loved the way Artie makes her favorite drink concoctions... My bad, I guess Myka is partial to Rohipnol* (* A benzodiazepine which has acquired notoriety by its slang name, the date rape drug)'

  • How come Pete, HG's (& even Myka's usually frumpy) hair where immaculately clean and UN-discheveled while they were otherwise profusely sweating for the last 20 minutes of the show? I'm sure the person in charge of continuity was never on set... or at least drunk on the job.

  • Claudia can transpose a (thousands-years-old dead) language in real-time... and phonetically? I have a Motorola Droid phone with Google speech enabled, but PUH-LEEZZ!!

  • Mrs. Fredric wasn't tortured by Warehouse Two calling her... it was the lame writing. And she didn't need to act traumatized... she was during that shoot!!

  • I guess even adding HG Wells for the past few episodes already verified that the Warehouse 13 has "Jumped THE Shark"! Gotta thank the writers for the HG hot pants snippet... although out of (her normal conservative Victorian) character. Proves my Jump The Shark statement is simply a fact once again.

Boy am I glad I am watching this on for free... otherwise I'd demand my money back from my cable provider that I dumped last month! Can I sue for mental anguish for time wasted (43:30, not counting commercial breaks and my personal review)?
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