Neighbours: Episode #1.5985 (2010)
Season 1, Episode 5,985
"Everyone around here lies"
25 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A pretty messed up episode really.Lou decides to teach Callum a lesson in forgiveness, mainly by threatening and bribing him into being nice to people.His apology to Michael and Natasha is largely glossed over but he has some good scenes with Sophie and Sonya.The fact that Lou nearly derails the scheme by trying to pull a fast one on a car salesman is disappointingly ill-developed and ends with the viewer apparently expected to accept Callum being used as slave labour as punishment for, um, telling the truth.

Chris and Andrew's strange friendship continues, leading to Summer acting like a snob and Michael throwing his weight around, which is a shame given that he seemed to be progressing beyond his annoying "Everything's Andrew's fault" attitude.In fact, until he takes protecting his friend a bit too far, it's hard to see what Chris is actually doing wrong.
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