Review of 7 Days

7 Days (2010)
Not Bad, but not great either
3 October 2010
As far as revenge films go, this one is quite good. However it's not brilliant. As with a lot of films with an "out for revenge" plot line. It doesn't stir up the anger that a story of this kind should. The father daughter relationship exposure is incredibly minimal, which to me, defeats the whole point of the story. Because of this, I was left quite desensitised to the main character's quest for revenge. Not even the smugness of the killer leaving court or the scene where they find his daughter's dead body was enough to stir up any amount of anger to approve of what happens next.

Sure I was on the main character's side, but the beginning was not enough for me to will his actions or even justify them. This in turn left me feeling a bit too much of an observer, given the seriousness of the subject matter of this film. By the end of it, the main character to me might as well have been jigsaw, which is a shame, as it clearly isn't meant to come across as such.
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