Indiana Wants Norman Foster
5 October 2010
Following the United States Civil War, peace-loving veteran Norman Foster (as Ralph Hartsook) gets a job as schoolmaster in a small Indiana town. The rural residents are initially impressed by Mr. Foster's strength in spelling. But, locals aren't as interested in the meaning behind Foster's "big words." Quoting martyred President Abraham Lincoln, Foster begins work in a log cabin schoolhouse. While his "Yankee" ways rub male residents the wrong way, Foster's well-mannered handsomeness arouses slavery blonde Charlotte Henry (as Hannah Thompson) and giggly débutante Dorothy Libaire (as Martha Means).

Foster proves his worth by standing up to the young man who becomes his symbolic nemesis, muscular rail-splitter Fred Kohler Jr. (as Bud Larkin). Alas, the newfound chums find themselves both in love with the feisty Ms. Henry, a "bond girl" (like an indentured servant) who had been considered Mr. Kohler's girlfriend until Foster arrived in town.

"Monogram" created a nice outdoorsy little town for this updated version of writer Edward Eggleston's "down home" best-seller. The cast is a lot of fun. Leading man (and future successful director) Foster was (at the time) married to Claudette Colbert. Cute little brother Tommy Bupp (as Shocky) and veteran Otis Harlan (as Squire Hawkins) have relatively good career roles. Also watch for tall, teenaged Wallace Reid Jr. (as Hank); he was, of course, the son of silent screen superstar Wallace "Wally" Reid. And, you won't miss the very talkative George "Gabby" Hayes (as Pearson) in the opening minutes.

***** The Hoosier Schoolmaster (5/15/35) Lewis D. Collins ~ Norman Foster, Charlotte Henry, Fred Kohler Jr., Tommy Bupp
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