An interesting concept, poorly executed.
7 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I tend to agree with the person that said the other positive reviews of this "film" must have been left by people involved with the production of it. Compare, if you will, the reviews on Netflix.

I don't for one second buy the idea that people who didn't like this movie are somehow "dim" or old. And to even put this film and its director in the same sentence as anything done by Kubrick or John Waters is sheer lunacy. That seems to be the new normal in reviewing anything...people don't like it, then plants come out of the woodwork saying it was brilliant and "you people" obviously didn't "get it"...but I digress.

The most absolutely annoying thing about the film, beyond the (unintentionally) laughable dialogue and (let's be kind and call it "sub-par") acting is the awful color palette. It's as if someone said "Here's an idea: let's make all the blacks deeper than Atlantis and replace all the natural light and color with garish splotches of red and lime green and just let it bleed all over the place!!!" It looked like they were going for a comic book look, but that makes sense only if the comic they were trying to look like had just been colored and left out in the rain.

Also, anyone looking to actually sit and make these choices in order to get more than a 15 minute story is SOL here. The plots are designed to last about that long, no matter what you do...let me give an example of what I mean. This is how my first playthrough went: First choice, go to work or go to a club...we picked go to the club. Once arriving you have to choose from three ladies to talk to at the bar. So, we talked to a brunette, left the bar with her, dropped in on a diner where the ex works, get into a tiny altercation with her, then go up on the roof of the "hero's" apartment, get drunk, the girl somehow sprouts glittery angel wings that look like the kind ravers got from Spencer gifts in the 90s and then the girl wakes up after what I can only assume is a night of unsatisfying sex with our leading man, since she just walks to the edge of the roof and starts crying...ROLL CREDITS.

Now what the hell is that? It's hard to work up a reason to care about these characters in 15 minute snippets that go nowhere. After the color palette gives you a brain tumor, the rest of you will be trying to piece together a plot. Don't waste your time.
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