They just don't make them like they used to
8 October 2010
Galaxy of terror is the forbidden fruit of B-movies. I don't remember wanting to see a movie as much and not being able to. I remember when I was a kid, my friends at school talking about the infamous maggot raped scene. Yes, it is no secret by now that a female is rape by a giant maggot in this movie. Man, did I search for this movie for years until I finally saw it on cable in the late 80s. Unfortunately the rape scene was cut out… damn censors.

Fortunately, I finally got a DVD copy at Best Buy a few weeks ago and I got to see the infamous giant maggot scene. People for many years accused Galaxy to be a rip-off of Ridley Scott's Alien. In my opinion is it not. Although Galaxy has some elements that might resemble Alien, Galaxy is quite different. For example, in Alien there's only one creature stalking its victims, however, in Galaxy the characters are being killed by creatures created by their subconscious.

This film delivers what it is meant to deliver. Good old fashion sci-fi/gore. The story involves the crew of the starship Quest who are sent on a rescue mission to a mysterious planet known as Morganthus. The spaceship crashes on the planet and after the crew recovers from the crash they start to search for survivors. They soon encounter an alien pyramid surrounded by, what appears to be, a spaceship cemetery. So they enter the pyramid and the fun begins.

The visual effects are excellent and amazing set designs. According to Corman, the budget was under a million, but it looks three times that. The cast feature, Robert Englund (Kruger, Nightmare on Elm Street), Sid Haig (Captain Spaulding, The Devil's Rejects), Erin Moran (Joanie Cunningham, Happy Days) and Ray Watson, just to name a few. The movie lacks a strong script, but that is outweighed by gruesome horror and entertainment. Yeah, the movie is low budget, but that's the beauty of it. I mean, using MacD burger boxes for set design, how much cheaper can you get and make it look like an A-movie production.

Bottom-line this film is a fun, extremely entertaining, retro movie. So if you haven't seen it and you love old fashion sci-fi fun, on a late Saturday, buy a pizza, a couple of beers and invite your old friends and enjoy Galaxy of Terror. You won't regret it!
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