Review of Taken

Taken (I) (2008)
My consideration for French filmmakers just dropped
8 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
French director, and French writer (Luc Besson)...and this ???? Take it as an adrenaline action-packed movie and it's great. But the background story is offensive to say the least. Whatever happened to that famous French/European subtlety ? This movie manages to vilify Albanians,Arabs and French and make heroes out of CIA operatives and the US in a way I thought only Rambo could. They probably wanted a action movie with a background moral message, and they succeeded and while doing so, managed to make a caricature out of a very complicated issue (prostitution trafficking in Europe). On top of that, to vilify Arabs from an American point of view NOW, when the US has 2 dubious wars in 2 Arab countries ? I gave 5 points for the childish enjoyment of seeing a good action revenge movie, and took 5 points for a shameless use of serious issues. Hollywood, please grow up.
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