Mansfield Park (2007 TV Movie)
Very Entertaining
8 October 2010
I really have little time for people who adopt an almost pious outrage when a film doesn't match their vision of a book. Even Lord of the Rings had to depart from the story on a number of occasions for the sake of making a coherent movie. One reviewer used the term "book-to-film-nazis", and while this may be a little harsh, I think it manages to convey the meaning succinctly. Undoubtedly, this version of the tale was not close to a faithful adaptation of Mansfield park, but it is a very entertaining hour and a half for those of a more open disposition. I also think the opprobrium heaped on Billie Piper was completely unfair: the reviewers seemed to blame her for the fact that she was not like the Fanny of the novel. Having seen her in many productions, I think Billie is a fine actress, and she delivered precisely what was asked of her for this version of Mansfield park. Her performance, and that of Blake Ritson made this a real feel-good movie: and yes, I have read and enjoyed the book.
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