Review of I Am

I Am (I) (2010)
Above the Usual
6 October 2010
Having seen some really awful Christian films somehow along the way, I was extremely wary to even give this one a look, but got talked into it nevertheless, and was very surprised.

For once, a solid, interesting story that actually might appeal to someone outside of a church audience. As a matter of fact, it really strayed from the usual modus operandi of Christian films, which is to really push the bible rather than to just tell a story.

It seemed very mature in storytelling, as the plot lines were all different, but somehow intersected and worked with each-other and in the end, though all got resolved in a somewhat typical Hollywood fashion, the story itself kept me pretty involved and I found it to be, for the most part, compelling, which I can't say for any of the other Christian films I've seen.

The cinematography was done fairly well, and though the lighting did seem a little forced, the camera work was solid and the editing was cohesive and focused. The acting, for the most part, was natural, though some came off better than others.

All in all, this is not going to score anyone a whole lot of mainstream buzz or come out the other side with any real awards, but I found it to be, by far, the best of this genre I've seen, and I would recommend it as a rental for sure.
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