The Mentalist: Red Carpet Treatment (2010)
Season 3, Episode 4
Love this show. But,...
14 October 2010
...the writers/researchers are really bad at putting the locations relative to Sacramento, CA where the headquarters of the (fictional) CBI are located. FYI, Sacramento is in the northern, central part of California.

In this episode Lodi, CA and San Francisco, CA were used as references. Lodi was said to be a "long and hot" drive by Rigsby, compared to San Francisco. My point is that San Francisco is close to 90 miles from Sacramento. Whereas Lodi is less than 40 miles almost due south on highway 99. And Lodi is not as hot as Sacramento, usually. Bakersfield or someplace in the Mojave desert would have been more fitting.

Another thing is when they do go anywhere in this long and wide and congested state it doesn't take them anytime. I wish that it was true.

I know it's fiction, but please just try a little harder. All I am asking is that the writers/researchers take a minute to look at a map.

Beam me over (up), Lisbon.
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