Nice movie, breezy I would say
17 October 2010
Nice movie, breezy I would say. The music was very inspiring and well chosen, it completed the British atmosphere. Hank Azaria plays the American jerk very well, on a totally opposite role than, let's say, the professor from Friends, and the marathon scenes kept the audience tense, waiting to see the outcome of the situation, since it didn't seem clear if the movie would make a turn in the plot or not. Loved Dylan Moran, the same mad genius as always, in fact found out about the movie looking for things he had starred in. Together with Harish Patel, the guys form a nice buddies group. Thandie Newton had a somehow decorative role, but she fits in nicely, and the kid is funny, and at that moment had funny teeth:) Light family movie for a Sunday afternoon or so. Liked it.
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