Decent educational film on current Ideologies on government's role in the economy and society.
17 October 2010
What the movie does well: The movie does a good point of laying out its argument about big nanny state government and its effects on the economy and debt. It does a good job of addressing the rosy colored view that most history paint the New Deal with and addresses the mounting debt that the US government has acquired over 70 years of overspending. It spends a considerable amount of time heralding its view of the problems in the Obama agenda.

What the movie does not do well: This movie had a few problems, first, it creates a straw man argument to represent the ideology of the left then proceeds to knock it over using humorous quotes and over simplified summations. While it is billed as a movie, it kind of sounds like a two hour commercial for the republican party. Secondly while the computer animation may have been effective at the beginning of the movie, there is a boxing match near the end that falls short of the point by point blow by blow comparison between the right and the left. In general it detracts from the argument.

Conclusion, This movie receives a 7 out of 10, not really for the entertainment value but as an edutainment film, it should probably be played back to back with Moore's "Capitalism: A Love Story" Things of Note: It should be noted that while the movie advocates for a smaller government and a free market system, it a no point advocates for no government. This is an important subtext in the movie; also worthy of mention, the movie hits on a key point that has been largely absent from the obamacare debate. The opposition has no plan for effective healthcare and economic overhaul. while an overwhelming majority as low as 60% in some polls and as high as 85% in others dislike the obamacare laws, nearly the same percentage say it needs to be addressed. Its clear that in absence of a good plan Washington can be trusted to pick a bad one, over and over and over again. A point that the movie tries get across. Hopefully this review will be of some value to someone. I probably won't see it again.
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