Just That Sort Of A Day is a simple and beautiful answer to the question of existence itself.
21 October 2010
There is a little search for meaning lost in each one of us. It pops its head up once in a while and bothers us till we are more lost than we were before and abandon the pursuit. Just That Sort Of A Day explores this search for meaning through four independent characters and their thoughts through the course of a day. Each has a take on life unique in itself and universal at the same time. They grapple through randomness, and what comes out of it in the end, is the film maker's answer to the question of existence itself.

There's a perfect balance between abstract and obvious. Just That Sort Of A Day is as simple as it is complex. It is not a story and yet there is a story told which one takes home almost without knowing. The characters have no names or faces and yet you know them deeply and shall for a long time to come.

The film maker has put as much of himself as each one of us into making this film. And that's the beauty of it. What else is strikingly beautiful about the film is its form. Lucid and serene, the visuals gracefully meander their way to a realization. The music is akin and equally enchanting. The pace at which it rolls out, lets the film communicate directly with the mind. Un-hurdled by the senses.

It is difficult to compare the film with anything one might have ever seen before or lend it a genre. Just that sort of a day is just that sort of a film. It is like one of those rainy days where everything around you is laden with meaning, forcing you to let go, and think, all at once.
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