Smart and kind movie with soft, unusually structured humor...
23 October 2010
Had a rare chance to watch "Jeffie". You sit through the whole film in a nice and pleasant atmosphere of unusually soft, kind and originally structured set of jokes. Altghough a passenger character does not actually easily evolve your feeling of sympathy, still the whole set of kindness and romanticism leaves you with a very good aftertaste, and that feeling stays for long. When the film was over I felt the same way I remember pretty good like after another good on-the-road-story movie, which is still my favorite. I mean "Sudeways". I think these two very creative and intelligent works make a nice tradition of sharing sincere warmth with soft jokes on a very well matching background of good music. Don't miss the "United Film Festival" at Cobble Hill Cinemas on Oct.26 at 7pm. Good luck to this very talented work at the festival.
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