The most harmful form of stupidity.
24 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
excuse the bad English, pls!

Reading a bit about this documentary I found a synopsis of it, written for the screening on the BAFICI (Buenos Aires Festival International de Cine Independietne), that ends with a phrase that roughly translates to English as "corruption is the most harmful form of stupidity".

Enrique Piñeyro, often referred as the "Argentinian Michael Moore", did a documentary on a doubtful case of a shooting a the "bonaerense" neighborhood of Nueva Pompeya. Some cops (dressed as civilians) shot (and almost killed) an innocent man, who is now in jail accused on charges of robbery, and homicide of three people. Piñeyro works on the "irregularities" of the case; the lack of convincing evidence, lack of witnesses, etc, in an (great) effort to throw some light in a very difficult case of police corruption/brutality. Some time ago I read, here in IMDb, a review of a guy complaining on a documentary done with an "political agenda" (which means nothing less than a director trying to prove something), and I thought, a documentary is like a thesis, you begin with an hypothesis, you do some research, and then, you use the research you have done to prove (or not) your initial hypothesis, that's the way this documentary is done. A lot of resources (backstage, special effects, recreation, etc), the unbreakable conviction of pursuing justice of the author, and his particular mix of humor and cynicism makes this one into a great, interesting, and very well executed documentary.

I sincerely recommend you; try to watch this movie. You will not regret. Thanks, I hope I'd been helpful!
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