The Andy Griffith Show: The Shoplifters (1964)
Season 4, Episode 21
Barney proves he ALMOST has what it takes to be a policeman...almost.
24 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very funny episode. I also like it because although Barney screws up yet again, he ALMOST gets it right. With a small amount of help from Andy, the boys are able to foil a robbery spree.

The show begins with a shop owner, Ben Weaver, being angry (as usual). It seems that items are disappearing from his store and the police have so far done little to resolve this problem. Instead of relying on regular police work, however, Barney (on his own) decides to do some undercover work. In a hilarious scene, Barney wears a disguise and decides to go undercover! Eventually, Barney decides his brilliant police work has determined who the culprit is...and he has the right person but almost botches the arrest. Thankfully, Andy helps out...and observes that ladies shouldn't 'clank'.

This one has most everything--nice comedy, good character development and nice chemistry between the leads. While not among the very best, it is memorable and well worth your time. And once again, Barney makes the show worth seeing.
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