Perry Mason meets Ken Malansky
25 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** It's when law student Ken Manlansky, William R.Moses, finds out from his collage girlfriend's Kimberly McDonald, Karen Koplin, dorm roommate Donna, Leslie Ackerman, that fellow law student and all around wise guy Frank Wellman Jr.,John Demita,tried to rape her when he got good and drunk at the local ginmill he just blew a fuse! Rushing down to McClaren Hall's Moot Court facility were Frank was practicing and perfecting his summation to the jury Ken Malansky, or "Big Mo" as he's known on campus, was just about to let Frank have it, with a right cross to the kisser, when he found out that someone else got to him first! There on the floor is Frank dead with a knife, Malansky's knife, stuck in his back! Arrested on the spot for the murder of Frank Wellman all Malansky can think of is getting his law professor the great Perry Mason, Raymond Burr, to take on his case! Perry faces a dilemma here in that the deceased or murdered Frank Werllman is the son of his best friend in the whole wide world successful businessman Frank Wallman Sr, Brian Keith, whom he went to law school together with!

It takes a lot of soul searching on Perry's part but after studying all the evidence in the case he in fact agrees to defend Malansky knowing that the guy was not only innocent of murder but was in fact framed by the person or persons who murdered Frank Wallman! Malansky also faces a very pressing problem, besides his standing trial for murder, in his estranged girlfriend Amy Hasting, Alexandra Paul, that he dropped like a hot potato showing up in courtroom unexpectedly to pay his bail, a cool $250,000.00 smackers, as well as punching him out for two timing her!

***SPOILERS*** It was in fact the spunky Amy Hasting, instead of the what looked like a beached whale Perry Mason, who despite being dumped by Malansky did all the leg work in finding Frank's killer. Malansky for his part started to realize what a jerk he was in his shoddy treatment of Amy who risked her life as well as bank account,if that jerk Malansky decided to jump bail, to save his rotten and ungrateful neck. In the end Frank's killer was exposed by Perry at Malanky's murder trial to the relief of Frank's dad Frank Wallman who in trusting his good friend Perry Mason was to find out the right person who did Junior in! Even though Frank Jr. for all the trouble he caused everyone on campus had it all coming to him!
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