31 October 2010
Plot: A group of crooks steal some diamonds and then try to backstab each other and keep them for themselves.

You'll love A Fish Called Wanda if: You are not me!!!!!! Frankly, I always try to show in my reviews both the good & the bad points of a movie but I don't know what to do with this one. It is considered one of the best comedies of all time. Check Wikipedia and you will find that a man actually died from laughter while seeing this!!! YOU may like some of its quotes, YOU may laugh with the various gags, YOU may like the acting… well no, I like the acting too especially from John Cleese although all of us know that he had been better. From what I understand this movie is a absolute love\hate flick…. I am with the hate minority…

You'll hate A Fish Called Wanda if: You, like me, can't understand what the movie is all about!!! Honestly why is this supposed to be a Comedy? I didn't laugh with the quotes because they weren't any, I didn't laugh with the characters because they weren't funny. The girl gets wet when she hears foreign languages, one guy stutters, one guy is a typical British dude who is bored of his life and another one resorts to violence or shouting whenever possible… none of this was funny at all. Was it good as a dark comedy? Hardly, it wasn't "dark" at all. Was it good as a Slapstick comedy? Nope, a guy eating fish to torture someone or a dog getting smashed by a crate or bitten by a dog isn't funny… Not only the movie wasn't good as a comedy but it was also bad a crime movie. It lacked continuity… the various scenes of the movie just didn't blend together to create an entertaining flick. I expected clever plot twists and interesting characters… I got neither!

FINAL VERDICT: Huh? (0.5/10)

[+] I DON'T KNOW!!!

[-] Hardly a Comedy, hardly a Crime movie. Badly directed.

Also Check: Fierce Creatures (1997) – See No Evil Hear No Evil (1989) – Snatch (2000)

P.S.: My purpose in all my IMDb Reviews is not to say "I like\don't like this movie" but to help you decide whether YOU will like it or not since everything is all about taste and expectations IMO...
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