The Vampire Diaries: Masquerade (2010)
Season 2, Episode 7
Do NOT sneak up on a vampire...
1 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Best bits...

Opening with Caroline telling Damon and Stefan about her running into Katherine when she "just stopped by to gawk and...quasi-stalk Matt." and the flashback being quickly interrupted by Damon's "Skip the teen drama, get to it." line, then Caroline saying she had to pretend to use the little girl's room (even though she didn't really) because she's a "doofus". Even better was her knowing full-well that "Elena" was really Katherine, and it was great hearing Katherine say "What gave me away? Was it the hair? Or was it my clothes?" (yes, Katherine, the hair has always been a dead giveaway!). "Katherine's not getting dick!", Damon? Oh, SO many places to go with that...

Alaric showing off his array of vampire-killing tools to the guys was amusing (even if he stole some of them from Angel).

Katherine straightening her hair with the hair-straightening iron was great, and although I love Elena, Katherine's "I'm impersonating my dull as dishwater doppleganger, Elena." line still amused me.

I had to laugh when Katherine (as Elena) said to Matt "God, you're go away.", to which he replied "Thankyou.". Damon, meanwhile, looked kinda odd in his mask...but at least his didn't have a beak to it like Bonnie's. Speaking of, I actually didn't mind her in the scenes she shared with Jeremy (which was quite amazing/surprised me, as usually I can't stand either of them).

Stefan and Katherine's exchange as they danced (with the cover version of the old Tears for Fears song 'Head Over Heels' playing in the background) was a good scene. Then that girl (who had practically been wearing a sign around her neck saying 'Kill me' since she first appeared on screen) turned up, interrupting their dance - which she really shouldn't have done. Katherine was so evil, first paralyzing the girl and then simply killing her all because Stefan wouldn't cough up the moonstone. Haven't you learned, Stefan, that jerking Katherine around leads to people getting killed? Having said that, I did like Damon encouraging Stefan to see through their plan and promising him that he had Stefan's back.

Katherine asking Jeremy about John/whether they were able to sew his fingers back on.

Katherine dragging Caroline by her HAIR (hilarious!) and Caroline being so happy with herself that she managed to fool Katherine into the trap that had been set for her.

The biggest WTF moment in a long time - namely Elena bleeding from her back the moment Damon shot Katherine in the back with the stake-shooter. I think Katherine said it best (a minute earlier after discovering she couldn't leave the room): "What the...?". That was definitely a surprise. I enjoyed the fact we got a half-decent vampire fight between Stefan/Katherine/Damon (and Katherine held her own, considering she was fighting two of them), but it was horrible seeing Elena suffer every time they stuck another stake into Katherine. And Katherine proved just how sadistic she was by inflicting wounds upon herself specifically to cause Elena more pain. I liked Jeremy offering Elena his ring to help her.

Also good was Katherine and Damon's "The three of us together, just like old times. The brother who loved me too much and the one that didn't love me enough."/"And the evil slut vampire who only loved herself." exchange. In fact, the whole scene with the three of them in the room was great. I loved their interaction/the tension between them. Katherine was rather horny this episode, wasn't she? Describing everyone as "hot" (Matt, Damon). I loved the fact that she mentioned Lexi and Stefan hanging out with her at Bon Jovi. Nice callback to '162 Candles'.

Probably the best scene of the episode was Damon trapping Katherine in the tomb (thank goodness she finally got her wish and he left her with the moonstone she'd so desperately wanted. Now we can stop hearing her ASK for it every other minute). I thought it was great that we got to see Katherine so freaked out/vulnerable for once, and that she said Elena needed to be protected - due to her doppleganger status - and that's why she couldn't kill her. "Death would have been too kind." is usually a lame excuse for not killing off someone who, by all rights, *should* be offed as soon as the opportunity presents itself. However, Katherine's just too delicious a character to be killed off this early into the series/season. I'm glad they've kept her alive (although I don't look forward to seeing what state she's in when she inevitably gets released/escapes from the tomb somewhere down the track).

Minuses of the episode...

Alaric had one job: keep an eye on Elena. So much for his "I'll make sure she doesn't leave my sight.", with her easily sneaking out the door on him. Guess he was distracted by Jenna.

Although Bonnie came through with the spell to trap Katherine, and helping to ease Elena's pain later on, I didn't like that she ran off as soon as she discovered another witch was about, instead of staying by her friend's side.

I don't like that, despite the Katherine threat being removed for the time being, Elena and Stefan remain broken up. While I can understand her reasoning, I do feel for Stefan, since he probably thought the moment Katherine was neutralised, he could be back with Elena. No more booty calls during the crack of dawn for Jenna to eavesdrop on, I guess.

This was an awesome episode that moved at a breakneck pace. Well done, TVD. You continue to bring it.
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