Good versus Evil?
6 November 2010
What happens when good and evil turn out to be childhood chums? This classic, with movie greats Cagney and Bogart, unknowingly address the question of nature versus nurture, with the two inevitably blending into one element of character development. The result is the manufacture of blind hope that oil and water, or more like elemental sodium and water, will somehow combine without calamitous result. The story was wonderfully infused with a moral fundament that is never stuffed down our throats, taking on the impetuous of the social evils of the day sans judgment. Our players are up for the job, turning in worthy performances on all accounts, not without a few bumps and bruises from the Dead End Kids. The direction and camera work are all on par for a flick of high caliber, with closeups and angles that punctuate all the right moments, all of this to be followed by a moral decision that most could not bear. "What do ya hear what do ya say?" Well, I say that this is a flick that should find as apt an audience today as any of yesteryear.

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