Review of Growth

Growth (2010)
Very well made but lame
7 November 2010
A girl and her family/friends travel to an island were she stands to inherit a house worth 2 million. By way of an intro we learn that this island was the site of a research project using parasites-worms actually-to improve humanity. How that's supposed to work only the writer knows. Of course the experiment went terribly wrong. Once on the island where she grew up, she receives a cold reception and is basically forced to accept a low sum and leave. That doesn't happen and eventually the parasites start attacking our group. The parasites burrow in the human host and come out to infect other people. They are of all sizes and move pretty fast. We are told that they feed on adrenaline, but it seems that they actually increase adrenalin. We only get to witness one extended infection of a guy who gets sick, becomes a macho and develops superhuman strength. The parasites's weakness is salt, it makes them evaporate. And it's sea water that has kept them confined to the island. The question of course is whether the girl and her friends will make it off the island alive.

This movie was made on a low budget but all the energy of the filmmakers went into making this movie look high budget. And they succeeded, it does look very well made. Unfortunately similar effort didn't go into story, editing, and characters. The girl who is supposed to be the main character is pretty much a secondary character for most of the movie. She plays no significant role until the end. And the secondary characters aren't particularly interesting either. Worms as villains aren't very good, unless they do cool things to the human body, as in Slither. But here the budget I imagine didn't allow for some gory deaths. In fact, there isn't much gore or violence or scares in this film. There is one great fight scene though, again, very well done for a low budget movie. The story doesn't keep you particularly interested, too much is told in the introductions, things that should have been told later to keep the viewer engaged. Key elements of the story ended up in the "deleted scenes" part. This movie represents an excellent effort in low budget movie making, it just isn't interesting to see because it lacks what you would want to see in a horror flick: gore, violence, nudity (of which there is a fraction of a second), cool deaths, interesting characters. Note that after all the credits are over, there is an additional scene.
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