Dead Silence (2007)
Dread the Silence
9 November 2010
When James Wan and Company decided to make a flick that paid homage to the horror genre, they went to it with the exertions of funding a third world nation. The result is a wildly pleasant terror fest. With enough gore to please the eye, Dead Silence achieves its ends by way of creepy atmosphere, with brutal eye candy used with occasional flair as opposed to the whole enchilada. The story was rich enough, including all of the necessary touchstones of horror, random dolls, lightening, crawl spaces and the like. The lighting and use of shadow was incredible and it shows. The direction, competent as expected. Even the cinematography worked to great effect to create the feel of a classic horror flick. The sound, as hinted by its titular intimations, was perfectly utilized to throw down the red carpet for tension's inevitable approach. And where all the requisite features of great horror can come crashing down by pitiful acting, no such party pooper is to be found here. The acting was solid and even punctuated with perfectly timed humor by way of Donnie Wahlberg, cynical detective undaunted by performing some of his own stunts. In all, Dead Silence is the type of chilling horror flick that one could only hope to inspire the genre to emulate. Merci beaucoup.

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