The Bloody Hippy Fringe
10 November 2010
This unflinching flick, nearly 15 years in the making, can hardly be called entertaining by most standards. Instead, Jim Van Bebber has created a flick that reanimates the essence of the stupidity and horror that the disciples of Charley have effected upon the world. The Family's reign of terror is all the more horrifying by account of its random and senseless motivations. The story itself will alienate all but the most ardent of movie fans, those that can see through the ostensibly bad in order to extract the true grit of Van Bebber's intent, which was to tell the story through the eyes of the Family. The acting was at times amateurish, but set upon its chaotic backdrop does not detract from the import of this film. The directing and camera work are MTV on psychedelics intense. For those prudish types stay away, for the leverage of nudity and animalistic gore have tipped the scales and reveal this flick to be on the doorsteps of rated X-ville. A difficult film to recommend, for those interested in the grim fringe of cinema, this might find a receptive audience.

Genruk of Evil Eye Reviews
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