A Secret Affair (1999 TV Movie)
I found this a very offensive movie.
13 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Saw it on Netflix streaming video.

Let me start by saying I am a big fan of Janine Turner. A loved her as Maggie, the pilot, in the old and great TV series "Northern Exposure." She is pretty and sweet.

In this movie she plays Vanessa Shaw, working in the family business as a buyer, often she goes to far away places to find things to bring back for sale in their business. On this trip she goes to Venice.

And this is where the whole thing became de-railed for me. She is enjoying a water taxi ride when a man comes up to her, Paudge Behan as the very obnoxious Bill Fitzgerald, reporter. He comes on to her strongly, and she makes feeble deflections of his advances and very quickly they end up in bed, in her hotel room.

But Vanessa is engaged to be married! Her beau also works in the family business. He is by all indications a very nice and thoughtful man. While she may not be head-over-heels in love with him, she has decided to marry him. So the whole scenario of falling for this horny cad in a matter of hours and ending up in bed with him was just so inane that the rest of the movie didn't matter to me. Maybe it is the kind of fantasy that some women like to see, but not for me.

The whole story is of course about breaking free of the cords that bind you, to pursue what you really want to do. In Vanessa's case it was for fulfillment as an artist, and to find a man she really was in love with. But the way the story gets there is distasteful to me.

Maggie, I would have never thought!
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