The Dark Lurking sounds like something you'd flush down the toilet, and it is
14 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Why the hell are there ratings higher than 1 for this utter rip off of Aliens meets Predator?! I watched this last night and found myself calling out the names of various films this film rips off. Aliens! Predator! Doom! It's not an homage to awesome films, its a blatant rip off.

The story? Forget it it's non-exsistent. The sets? Really quite impressive, I just wish I could see them other than in close ups. The characters? Cardboard cut outs putting on the worst manly voices you'd ever hear. Seriously they all talk in deep booming voices the entire time with dialogue that makes me want to rip out my eyes and ram them into my ears so I don't have to watch and listen to this floating fecal matter.

At one point a certain character meets his demise and the camera stays with the guy for far too long. This might work if I knew anything about the guy or cared; but its a pointless moment in a film trying so desperately to have any emotional depth at all.

Actually I lie, there IS emotional depth in there - laughter. There were several times when I burst out laughing in this film. All unintentional I'm sure but all originating from the scripts' woeful dialogue. The ONLY actor worth mentioning in this floating pile was Roslyn van Doorn who played the... again horribly named - Yutani. (Oh if only Ridley Scott could watch this). Van Doorn was quite good and I actually believed her despite everything else going on here. Although I think she would be better suited to drama. The other cast? You really don't want to know what I think of them.

I turned it off after about an hour fifteen simply because my time is more valuable than wasting it on this stinker.
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