What on Earth ?
14 November 2010
This series is currently showing on UK television. Unlike many series it wasn't given a big build-up. Someone in the scheduling team obviously has a conscience. The series is, to use a good old British phrase, total tosh. Strangely entertaining in a so bad it is almost good sort of way. Rufus Sewell does what he can to redeem the early episodes. Ian McShane plays the "baddie" with relish but no great depth. Donald Sutherland plays Donald Sutherland and sticks out like a sore thumb. The female leads are all unconvincing as medieval women - behaving with 21st century manners and mores. Strange that the Scotts were involved with this since I liked Kingdom of Heaven and Robin Hood. I will continue to watch to find out what happens (I haven't read the book) but it even makes Cadfael (based in the same period) look good.
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