Blood Diamonds (2006 TV Movie)
Shocking but very comprehensive
15 November 2010
Isn't often that television can provide more complete coverage of a story than the written word, but this is a prime example. Even after seeing "Blood Diamond" the movie, you wouldn't have the context of this story until seeing this documentary. It chronicles the whole history of the collapse of Siera Leone over decades, brought about by the diamond resource there. Because atrocities played a major role (and are still being adjudicated), there are many graphic images too strong for kids.

The show will leave you not only with some moral outrage about the industry in general; it also exposes the specter of Al Queda's involvement in the trade. It arms you with questions you can pose about your own purchases to avoid contributing to further instability and corruption in those countries. It's a great pleasure to hear Jeffrey Wright's narration, but frustrating because he's not seen much more often.
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