The Master (1980)
A weak script and bad comedy are overcome by top martial arts action.
20 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The DVD for this film is exceptional. Not only is the print absolutely pristine (except for a couple scenes which are a tad blurry), but it fortunately has a choice of either subtitles or a dubbed version. While I feel like a heretic for saying this because it flies in the face of my usual advice, I recommend you try the English dub (oddly, the second option--the first did not work on my machine), as it's simply better. To find out which was superior, I actually watched it with BOTH subtitles and dubbing at the same time--and repeatedly the captions seemed awkward and incorrect (or at least poorly worded).

The film starts off rather badly, as like a bad martial arts film, there is a strong emphasis on VERY broad and obnoxious comedy. It is NOT funny and actually pretty stupid. I was very happy wen the film became more serious, as instead of 3rd rate comedy, the film switched to 1st-rate martial arts action. This didn't surprise me very much, as Shaw Brothers films usually have excellent martial arts. While the comedy continued here and there, at least the two complete morons from the first 20 minutes are not in much of the rest of the film...thank goodness! A martial arts master is stabbed and left for dead. While he's amazing at kung fu, he was (naturally) betrayed. He is found by idiot students of a martial arts school that sucks. All the students greatly overrate their own barely adequate skills and their master is second-rate. One of the stupid students is taught by the injured man--who, even injured, can beat this idiot without even breaking a sweat! Oddly, however, aside from just giving the guy a few hints, the jerk goes from barely adequate to a super-human fighting machine--a big plot problem with this film. So, when this injured master is later murdered by three baddies, you know that despite almost no additional training, the student will somehow kill them all to avenge his new master.

The story is a bit derivative (with the standard revenge motive) and silly. BUT, fortunately, if you ignore all this, the action is top-notch. The fighting looks real, the actors are very skilled and it is head and shoulders better than the average martial arts film in this department. So, it's a good case of poor story with poor humor being saved by great action. Not among the Shaw Brothers' best, but still quite good.

By the way, when the idiot goes off in search of the men responsible for the stabbing, he actually has a reasonably funny scene when he poses as a prostitute in a brothel. Seeing him in makeup trying to act seductive is kind of cute. But, naturally, he mucks things up, as he IS an idiot...a well-meaning one, but still an idiot! So I guess not all the comedy in this film was bad.
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