Bones: A Boy in a Tree (2005)
Season 1, Episode 3
Bones:A Boy in a Tree
20 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A Venesualian Ambassador's deaf son is found hanging from the tree of a prestigious prep school, but Booth believes it's not suicide..the problem is that the school is pressuring Booth to consider it a suicide despite what his gut tells him, not to mention, Brennan considers the evidence congruent towards a voluntary hanging. What makes this episode so impressive is how despite what the evidence tells Bones, Booth's intuitions later prove the contrary. Everything hinges on the break of the victim's hyoid bone and whether or not the kid, Nestor, was in an emotional state contributing to committing suicide. A scandal involving a girl Nestor was in love with, the victim's roommate, and sex tapes make their way into the case, with Booth establishing his distaste for those of a higher status considering themselves superior to lower classes. There's also a restaurant Booth likes to frequent, Wong Foo's, that he's protective of, for which the squints intrude upon despite his protest. This episode shows how Booth is influencing Brennan in her interaction with a victim's family and Zack's seeking knowledge in how to please a women(a conversation Booth wants no part of).
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