23 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Once again I have been reminded why I rate French cinema so highly. There are certain types of film at which the French excel - indeed by and large they are the only nation who continue to make them - and in the last few years we have had Rien a faire, Le Grand chemin, and Brize's own recent title Not Here To Be Loved. This is a film of nuance, delicacy, wordless communication, yearning and sacrifice. Vincent Lindon and Sandrine Kiberlain - still technically married albeit separated - are simply two of the finest actors currently working in France which puts them in heady company. Individually they are superb but working together superb moves up a notch to outstanding. This is a film that definitely cannot be recommended to the Multiplex or cgi crowd as you will search in vain for violence, gratuitous sex or even swearing but if you enjoyed Brief Encounter you will love this film in which very little happens: a happily married builder with a young son meets the son's school teacher, a sensitive, lovely spinster who for reasons never explained is unattached. They are drawn together by a gentle imperceptible tide rather than explosive magnetic force and nowhere at no time does either one utter the 'L' word yet it dominates the action. Even knowing and accepting that Lindon is happy in his marriage we still long to see him connect with Kiberlain which is a measure of how powerful their understated acting is. I cannot praise this film too highly.
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