Salvage (2006)
Hifalutin low-budget horror
27 November 2010
Low-budget flicks rarely deal out high entertainment, at least in this camp. Salvage is the exception. After nearly quitting this DVD in the first 5 minutes, the ghetto feel of this hidden gem was not only tolerated, but ultimately admired. Once this story got going, it became apparent that the Crook brothers had something worthy to say but only 25G with which to tell their story. And what a story! This time-honored film timeline was given a new lease on life, navigating amazingly uncharted territory with aplomb. The acting was tolerable, with the top three players burping up decent performances. Our heroine Lauren Currie Lewis actually gave a pretty stellar showing, of course her natural beauty might have smoothed over some of her histrionic bumps. The dialog was at times lamentable, but not so bad that it detracted from the story. The film quality was a tad rugged, and the audio sounded like it was recorded in a honey hut, but this ultimately underscored the strength of the story. The cheap scares were forgivable-what low-budget thriller has a surfeit of Beverly Hills effects. A great story and laudable direction helped pull this one out of the time-killer bin and into the valley of respectable ghetto horror. Merci beaucoup.

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