Those dang WASPs!
4 December 2010
...Creepy, nosy, guilty of every fiendish crime... Except maybe making movies as ethnically self-aggrandizing as this one.

There's a straaange psychosis among non-WASPs that has these arch-honkies forever fascinated with them, forever pestering them, following them wherever they go to pry into their lives, peep and annoy. Of course, it's delusion fueled by ego and foiled by reality. So it's odd Foster was cast in the lead role - since no one in the cast besides Alexis Smith looks more WASP than her, and it's obsessively important to the filmmakers that Foster's Rynn be presented as The Other, the object of pushy, lustful folk down Whitebread Lane.

Martin Sheen is very funny as the horn-doggie pedophile sidling up to Foster. If the Trivia entry here is correct, technical advisers weren't hard to find in this regard: "Foster went on record as saying one of the producers on this film was 'nuts', explaining that he wanted her to show more skin and she refused. Foster had a terrible time with the sexual scene upstairs with Mario. Although her older sister did the shot, Foster was very upset that viewers would think this was her and fought and cried with the producers, to no avail." Since Foster couldn't have been older than 13 when this was filmed, THAT'S creepy.

One of the best things about the film is the amazing Alexis Smith. She had a Hollywood career with the greats of that long-ago era - Errol Flynn, Clark Gable, Bogart, Grant. Then she was the toast of Broadway in the early '70s in "Follies". She adds class even to classless crap like this.
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