Pilot better than film.
8 December 2010
Though the film had some great moments, I found it sporadically interesting. Though I get the artistic approach and the story arc, I just found many scenes needlessly too long. A bit more editing may have helped to hold my attention on the film, as parts that were drawn-out became somewhat boring. It's not that I need the younger generation's fast cuts and manic camera moves...just a bit more cleaned-up. Additionally, somehow the film seemed self- indulgent at points and that was a bit of a turn off too.

The way the filmmaker, Alex, interviews the Brainerd people is not as funny as he probably intended it to be. Rather, I found myself cringing and embarrassed too often. "Borat" got away with something related to this, but he was absurdly funny, physically and verbally, which enriched the interactions with various everyday people. If these MN people felt duped, I hope they found solace in the "Pilot" where they are portrayed more appropriately for the information they provided the filmmaker and his crew.

Interestingly enough, the "Pilot" episode (DVD special features) was much more energized, interesting, funny, and edited well. Alex was very likable. I appreciated its approach - somewhat like "Mythbusters" - to the lake's "black hole" puzzle. I'd actually watch that show for entertainment. Perhaps, Alex should stick to fun documentaries (no more mock, please). Seriously, I think he's got something there.

"Don't get chumpatized"! -The King of Kong (2007)
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