No Ordinary Family (2010–2011)
Great premise, but I think the characters may all be idiots.
12 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
NOTE: the spoilers are only about secondary plots

I get that the show is supposed to show the family adapting to having superpowers, and they are supposed to show the family slowly learning how to be superheroes, but some (actually, a lot) of the stuff they do is borderline retarded, which is detrimental to the show.

For example, it takes the dad like 4-5 episodes to realize he should probably wear a mask to protect his identity. Also, he jumps through the city, causing damage every time he falls/lands, and doesn't seem to think this is a big deal.

The son wants to impress a girl, gets his sister to read the girl's mind. When the sister finds out the girl's not into him, she tells the brother that the girl only dates Jewish guys, so he learns how to pretend to be Jewish, which naturally fails miserably (and supposedly hilariously, but I don't remember it being funny). And this is the guy whose superpower is an enhanced reasoning ability. Also, just about every math-related thing he (and everyone else, actually) says is wrong, but I suppose I can't expect the writers to know that.

The daughter (who can read minds) wants to impress a guy, and he tells her that he likes art. She decides that she needs to get her brother to learn about art, and then read her brother's mind, while she is on a date at an art museum with the guy (she has the brother follow in disguise). I'm guessing her Wile E. Coyote plan failed because I stopped watching after that. I mean, she can READ MINDS, just read the guy's mind and figure out what he wants. Or just make out with him or something, that'll probably work, too. Come to think of it, half the telepathic stuff she does can probably be accomplished conventionally.

I'm pretty sure the wife did some stupid stuff, too, but to be honest her character is so boring, I tend to tune out during her scenes.

I really wanted to like this show, which is why I saw so many episodes, but the writing is just awful. The examples I wrote here are not isolated. Pretty much every episode has two or more things like this. The actors do a pretty decent job considering what they are asked to say and do. The special effects are fine, too. Maybe I'll check back in a year if the show's still on the air.
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