She Wanted a Good Life
14 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
What a curious film. I think I enjoyed it, but it's difficult to say. Plot aside, to me this is a story about vanity and selfishness blinding two individuals and guiding them to make ill-informed decisions. One of the most interesting lines in this film for me was when the daughter says that her mom wanted a good life when she was young. It seems that desire never left Seki (now a mom and the wife of a rickshaw driver), and she is immediately willing to follow the advances and promises of a younger man who offers her intimacy and (I'm guessing in her mind) a chance to start over. There is a period of calm and then chaos following a major decision Seki makes, and the way she handles the world crashing in around her is to be expected. What was surprising, and I think what ultimately redeemed this movie for me, was the lack of support she got from the one person she trusted to stay by her side. This forces her to face a decision she was never 100% comfortable making, and brings out the emotional torment she endures beautifully. There are moments in the film I didn't enjoy, but it's a very original take on an age old conundrum, and a very strong performance from the leading two actors. Rating 26/40
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