Finlandisation (1974 TV Short)
Finlandisation- a mockumentary
15 December 2010
Finlandisation (1974) is a funny mock documentary directed by Vesa Nuotio and Pertti Reponen.It was written by Jouni Lompolo (Origo) and assisted by Neil Hardwick and David Mitchell.There are some known names in this picture.Neil Hardwick is there as a British journalist doing his documentary.The big and funny man Leo Lastumäki, whose autobiography awaits to be read, is there.There's the funny man Heikki Kinnunen.Esko Roine is there playing chess.Risto Mäkelä is there with his short movie (The Woodcutter's Wife).Esko Salminen is in that movie.And so is Pekka Laiho.And Pirjo Viitanen.Marjukka Halttunen is there.And then we have Pirkko Peltomäki.One of the funniest stuff is where Risto Mäkelä shows the movie.In that movie the sound doesn't quite fit with the picture.The slow paced chess match is funny.Also Lastumäki's bathroom visit is quite hilarious.That man just won't leave him alone.And Lastumäki eating to the music.A rather funny watching experience.
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