Pretty bad, but....
18 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This very lousy movie does have two redeeming features: Martin Milner gives a sincere performance and anchors the whole thing. Without him, the film wouldn't even hold together. Also, any film from those days with the wonderful Andy Devine should be watched by kids and adults alike because he is an adorable delight.

However, the ridiculous totally overwhelms the redeeming qualities for me. For example, right at the start you have a mountain lion supposedly liking corn on the cob. It is never shown actually eating any, only playing with it. This is because it cannot and would not eat that, as its body requires red meat to survive.

Highly dangerous animals are shown on the streets being treated in a cavalier manner by the public. These animals are frightening and some would kill the public if disturbed or provoked. Only the bad old police seem to take them seriously. Of course, the fact that each policeman has sworn an oath to protect the public never gets any consideration.

Jay North's character appears at times just plain crazy. Watch carefully, you will see that this character is as one-dimensional as any ever written for the screen. Just the look on North's face is at times wacko as he commits numerous irrational acts. Its almost as if his character, rather than being the star, is solely there to do certain specific things over and over throughout the movie. He's not allowed to be a kid, never playing or going to school. Just a relentless tool of the script. Certainly children viewing this might bond with the animals, but I don't see how they could possibly bond at all with the non-kid character portrayed by North. Too bad for Jay North, its not his fault.

Despite the nice filming in the beautiful California sunshine, this is very badly written and conceived. If you were expecting something like "Flipper" forget it- that kind of entertainment is not what this relentless movie is about.
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