Superb acting and script-writing tour de force
18 December 2010
The courage and gallantry of King George VI is a documented fact of history. And another fact of history will, surely, become the fact that this film is one of the finest dramatizations of a momentous period in the history of the West. Words will not do justice to this movie. It is one of ten best I've ever seen --a monumental showcase of script writing and acting. The star studded cast delivers throughout the film --there's an award-winning scene every minute, in lines spoken by Firth, Rush, Jacobi, Carter and Gambon, among others. There is not a superfluous word in the script --every line advances the plot and adds to character description. The close-ups are terrific as the actors transmit every nuance of their feelings in a description-defying performance that nails all possibilities in every scene. You have to see it it to believe it. Absolutely amazing.
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