Did perverted children make this stinker?
20 December 2010
The review I just read after watching this movie was fairly accurate but I think the reviewer, David, gave credit for the wrong reasons. I don't particularly care if it's someone's first film or their fiftieth. A bad movie is a bad movie. In my opinion this can hardly be called a movie. There's really no discernible storyline. The very little, largely one-sided dialog is strained and strange. Lack of a budget can't account for a bad script. This seems like it was conceived and written in about an hour on a cocktail napkin. It's obviously a sick person who writes a scene where a girl sitting completely naked on the toilet has an argument with her roommate about who's going to kick the naked girl's brother out of the house and then she walks out there buck naked and fights with him without anyone even thinking it's strange that she's standing there fully nude screaming at her brother to get the eff out of the house while there doesn't seem to be any sort of reason she couldn't have taken the time to get dressed first. Just a ridiculous way to get a nude scene into a movie it seemed to me. But hey, if you're looking for a movie with a lot of nude and rape scenes that it's impossible for a normal person to enjoy, then this movie's for you! The only reason I watched it in the first place was because it had an obviously fraudulent high rating on IMDb, and as David said, the only people who would've rated it highly are those directly involved in its creation.

To all those who think this review is poorly written, me included, the movie is much much worse. While I'd like to say I wrote it badly to prove a point, I think I just got brain damage from trying to sit through this nightmare that someone should have taken much more time to write or not have written at all.

If this saves even one person the two hours of their life that I just wasted then this has been my good deed for the day. You're welcome!
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