Review of Mitsudomoe

Mitsudomoe (2010–2011)
A comedy of misunderstandings
22 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Mitsudomoe is a comedy set in the primary school where Satoshi Yabe has just taken a job; he is looking forward to getting to know his class... then he meets the Marui sisters. Mitsuba, Futaba and Hitoha Marui aren't malicious but they do make life difficult for Yabecchi, as they have dubbed their teacher. As an example in the opening episode they decide that the best way to help Yabecchi get together with the pretty school nurse is to damage his groin so she will have to examine it... naturally he wonders what he has done to come under such violent attack! Throughout the series there are constant misunderstandings which lead to just about everybody being considered a pervert when their intentions are (usually) innocent. Expect constant references to panties and people believing others are trying to see them; Nipples, the class hamster, who the class talk about stroking leading to further misunderstandings by those who overhear and breasts... Futaba is genuinely obsessed with them!

I suspect viewers will think this is either puerile rubbish or hilarious; I'm in the latter group as I laughed till I cried more than once. Despite the constant talking about panties it isn't THAT sort of anime and we never see them in situ so to speak; the only times we see a pair is when Futuba wears then over her trousers and when Shinya, a boy in the class, accidentally ends up wearing a pair on his head... I won't spoil how that happens though! The characters were all distinctive and likable; Yabecchi had and innocent charm, the sisters managed to get in hilarious situations without anybody getting too badly hurt. They are quite different; oldest Mitsuba is somewhat bossy, Futaba is unbelievable strong and youngest Hitoha is quiet but manages to frighten several people without trying. Their father was great too; his constant run-ins with the police due to various misunderstandings were an amusing running gag. There are plenty of secondary characters who are also used well; mostly other members of Yabecchi's class.

This series is currently available on CrunchyRoll so can be viewed legally on line, I hope they stream the second series as I was left wanting more after the thirteen episodes of this series were over.

These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.
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