Excellent study in how to run, and not run, a business
29 December 2010
If you're looking for a salacious, shocking reality show, look elsewhere. If you're looking for hours and hours of outrageous biker behavior, look elsewhere. This isn't a PR piece for the Sturgis motorcycle rally either. What you get out of watching this series is that you see how a business should - and should not - be run. The bar exists for only 10 days, and the pressure to turn a profit is present in every show. Season 1 is the better of the two, as you see the realities of the country's economic situation hitting the bar hard, and coupled with some poor business choices, you're left wondering if there will be a 2011 season for both the show AND the bar. The tension and drama in Season 1 feels quite real. Season 2, on the other hand, feels a bit more forced in terms of creating drama for TV. I think Season 1 would be excellent to show in an MBA program - it would be excellent to discuss the realities of human resources management, accounting, logistics, marketing and customer service. It's not the greatest reality series ever, but if you are interested in how businesses do and don't succeed, have a watch.
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