Important subject, corny film
30 December 2010
This film unfortunately is a corny and inferior one, which is a terrible shame, because the subject deserved an excellent treatment. The subject is the fate of Nazism at the end of World War II. From 1944, Nazism began a process of planned 'metastasis', a word which I take from oncology to compare its spread to that of cancer cells when the central tumor is abandoned as the main base of the disease and the cancerous cells spread throughout the body. This is shown in this prescient early film, at the beginning of the story, where officers of the Wehrmacht are given sealed instructions and false identities to spread themselves throughout the world and work in secret for the restitution of Nazi ideals in the future. George Coulouris plays the wicked Colonel von Beck who presides over this, and is the villain of the film. It was not the Wehrmacht officers who did this in reality, but the SS. And the process was set up and presided over by Heinrich Himmler and Martin Bormann. Some conspiracy theorists suggest that Bormann got away and that his 'skull' which was found was not really his. We do not need to concern ourselves with that issue here. When the Allies got to Berlin they found the Berlin Treasury empty. All the gold of conquered Europe had been stored there. It was never found. Its value today would be trillions of dollars. The ingots had apparently been hidden in poisonous chemical tanks of the chemical company I. G. Farben (the main foreign 'front' for the Gestapo throughout the 1930s and the War), since gold cannot be damaged by any chemicals, and only the unstable mixture of two separate acids known as aqua regia can dissolve it. The gold was shipped out to safe havens like Sweden, Chile, and Argentina, over a period of time. Nobody opens poisonous chemical tanks to inspect what might be at the bottom. Apparently, ten percent of the gold was meant to be permanently stored as a 'backup' and still is stored. The rest has over the decades been used by the metastasized Nazis to buy international corporations and banks and attempt to achieve economic dominance and power, with a collection of bribed 'tame politicians' to assist them along the way. Many of their collaborators do not even know that they are working for metastasized Nazis, because all the collaborators care about is the money. The new Nazi Internationalists threw the Hitler cult overboard, just as shown in this film. The film was written and directed by Herbert J. Biberman, an inferior writer and director in Hollywood who had been a member of the Communist-leaning theatrical group in New York known as 'the Group'. He was later blacklisted during the McCarthy Era. It appears that he was a member of the Communist Party. Certainly, the corny creation of a hero of the Soviets as a character in this film is the kind of nonsense one expects of political hacks when they get too carried away making movies, and cannot resist inserting some propaganda into a film which then makes the story partially absurd. I mention all of this because it appears that Biberman was given some accurate information about what the SS were up to in their programme of 'Planned Metastasis', and I believe it must have come to him from the Soviet agents by way of Party contacts. How else could he possibly have concocted this story so early on, as even today people are still figuring out what really happened? Therefore, Biberman was performing a genuine service by informing the public of the process at this early date. But he did so with such lack of skill and talent, and with such adolescent propagandistic fervour, that the film has made no lasting impact, and its message was lost. The unlikely spot of Kolar, Belgium, is chosen as the supposed location of all the action, if you can call it action. The film contains a fine performance by the Danish actress Osa Massen as a German woman who has been raped by German soldiers and borne a child who has no name because of the shame. Lloyd Bridges plays her husband who returns and struggles to come to terms with the situation, but his performance is mediocre, as there is not much in the script and even less in the direction to give him much to do other than to wrinkle his brow and look earnest from time to time. This film could and should have been an impressive one, but it is not. Someone should try this theme again, and make it work this time.
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