A squidtastic anime!
1 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
While 'Squid Girl' is clearly aimed at young viewers it is a lot of fun for all ages; the series follows the adventures of the eponymous Squid Girl as she seeks to conquer the surface world in revenge for humanity's mistreatment of the oceans. Her invasion doesn't get very far; before she has even got off the beach she accidentally damages a beach café and finds herself working in the 'Lemon Beach House' to pay for the damage. Strangely nobody there seems scared of her, probably because she looks almost human, the only obvious sign of her squiddiness is the fact that she has long blue tentacles instead of hair. At the café she makes friends with the owners Eiko and her sister Chizuru, she also meets Sanae, a local girl who has a bit of a crush on her and Nagisa who is her favourite as she is the only person she meets who is afraid of her! The only threat to her comes from a group of scientists led by American Cindy Campbell who wish to experiment on her as they think he is an alien; however their level of competence means they are of little danger to her and serve to provide a few laughs.

Each episode consists of three short stories where Squid Girl has adventures with her new friends; most of these are normal activities for people but seem exciting to Squid Girl. These adventures aren't all fun for her; for example she didn't enjoy it when she was expected to provide vast quantities of squid ink to flavour noodles and was terrified when she saw an inflatable killer whale toy! This series was very cute and a lot of fun; it contained plenty of laughs but more importantly kept me smiling from start to finish. I really liked all of the characters especially Squid Girl herself. The animation was good and the she spoke inserting the words 'squid' and 'ink' into other words added to its cuteness. It is a shame that the series was only twelve episodes long as when it finished I was left wanting to see more.
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