Extremely Disappointing - Cheesy Bollywoodish Romance
1 January 2011
My husband and I were so looking forward to this movie after hearing such incredible praise and reviews from TBN...it was such a disappointment!!! we could not believe why so many people on TBN had highly praised this film! It was so poorly acted, more on the side of Bollywood type B movies. The acting was bad and dialogue atrocious. Its an insult to the true courage and nature of Esther and what she did for the Jewish nation. And, as usual, all the biblical stories that are made into movies, not one of them tell the whole truth but rather do what Hollywood does...using poetic license, to the detriment of historical fact, which is what should have been really portrayed to bring across the true story of Esther for Christians and especially for the secular society. It could have been a very good medium to draw unbelievers into the Kingdom of God, but sadly this will not happen when they realise how disjointed and confusing the story line is. We will not be buying this DVD and will be very weary of TBN's future recommendations.
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