Let it Rain (2008)
3 January 2011
This was a flat movie. It is, briefly, the story of two sisters, one an author/feminist who is considering going into politics, the other "just a sister," who seems just to sit at home with her boyfriend, who is sort of flat too. A has-been movie director convinces the would-be politician to sit for a series of interviews, which go poorly. In between we see a little of the director's life with his son - he is divorced and his ex has custody, so he doesn't see his son often. We see a little of the romantic/private life of the feminist, whose boyfriend feels like he has become unnecessary in her life and leaves her. We see that the two sisters evidently have some unresolved issues concerning their mother, who passed away the year before. The housekeeper also evidently has some issues with her ex, but they aren't explored either. Nothing really is, and yet this movie goes on for a long time, or so it seems.

There is no real character development for any of the characters. The dialog is not interesting. The few shots of Provence are nothing special. The movie, in short, is nothing special.

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