24: Day 7: 10:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. (2009)
Season 7, Episode 15
Great Episode With An Incredible Cliffhanger Inside...
5 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This episode of the seventh season of 24 marks an important event in this day that it has never occurred in the show. And that turn of events is the truly best thing of this episode.

Jack and Tony go to the shipyard in order to get the biological weapon. But Tony is finally kidnapped by Starkwood men and the weapon returns to enemies hands despite Jack efforts. But now here is the event: due to there was a leak of gas in the weapon, Jack had to stop it before Starkwood recovered it... and he was exposed to the virus.

This is the main plot of this installment, and its truly original and surprising. For the first time i really believe that Jack is about to die or being injured badly. Also, the other plots of the episode are very entertaining and truly good. There is action in this one, but its drama and its set ups are more remarkably. But that thing is not at all a problem.

So, another superb episode with a really big cliffhanger in the end.

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