24: Day 7: 12:00 a.m.-1:00 a.m. (2009)
Season 7, Episode 17
Oh My God!. Another Perfect Episode!.
5 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This season is being the best season of the series so far. And I'm saying it without any fear. I have in my head Seasons 1 and 5, but this seventh season is unique and it's being almost perfect in every aspect.

Jack battles his infection, which is more dangerous than Doctor Mazor thought. He is weaker than ever. Also he rejects an exit to his status: his daughter, Kim, can help him with a stem cells treatment. But he doesn't want to put Kim in danger. Also Tony is finally able to arrive at the place where the weapon is thanking the undercover collaboration of Douglas Knowles. But Knowles is discovered by Hodges and kills him. At the end, Hodges blackmails The President forcing her to abort an attack against Starkwood.

Another perfect episode. At the same level of greatness as the previous one!. Kiefer Sutherland is perfect like ever, and Jon Voight makes his best performance as Jonas Hodges so far. His scene in which kills Knowles is one of the best moments of the season. Also, Carlos Bernard as Tony is truly magnificent. His plot about the quest of the weapon is truly exciting and heart pounding. And the rest of the plots are very good and they are connected with main plot.

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