Review of The Bank

The Bank (2001)
Geez I hate Australian/s, but . . .Poor Aussie film
6 January 2011
Not a particular hate - I 'm not racist, I hate equally. I like and love a lot of Australia/ns too. My important point is that Aussies may never wake up to their self loathing - further illustrated by the lukewarm or simply cold reception to this film. An inferior, Hollywood equivalent, may look prettier or maybe just DAZZLING (instead of good looking), but would do much better business and garner much better reviews, maybe even pulling huge audiences. Once again, I am the reviewer who deserves your thumbs-up, yet I rarely gain them - I cannot write for fools. A review of the film is better for containing very little about the film, maybe just a general idea and some related thoughts should be enough to whet your appetite, OR show you it may not be your cup of tea. YOU CAN READ COPIOUS PLOT DESCRIPTIONS ALL OVER THE PLACE! This film is like music - you've basically heard it all before, but the timing, rhythm and tune here are fantastic, and do attain an originality - a thoroughly engaging little thriller that adds TEXTURE instead of twists. You can pretty much guess what will happen but that doesn't have to change your ability to be engaged by a better than average script, (more realistic, FORGETTING plot holes - fiction will ALWAYS have them), and fine performances. I state that even though I am NO fan of David Wenham either. Melbourne is used in a lovely way as the back drop, too. A great surprise of a film, I actually found out about this, researching the Aussie production company responsible for 'Balibo' - also a FINE film. Basically these Aussie films have an engaging, more realistic feel and not in a gritty sheety way either.
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