The Men Who Had Lived Too Long
15 January 2011
On a windy night, a group of eight men introduced only as a "Certain Brotherhood" meet to decide whether or not to murder the latest subject of their investigation. Among the clandestine group's members are sullen artist Lon Chaney (as Farallone) and his good-looking rival John Bowers (as Forrest). We quickly learn both men are in love with the group's absent ninth member, and only female, lovely Leatrice Joy (as Lilith), who has given the group permission to proceed without her.

While working undercover as a waiter for three month, Mr. Bowers has had the opportunity to observe the group's latest target. When asked his opinion on the man's worth, Bowers states, "Each day this man grows greater in vainglory and cruelty. He has lived too long!" Mr. Chaney, who has been working on the man's portrait, agrees, "He has lived a thousand times too long! Death!" the group votes unanimously to kill their hated enemy Raymond Hatton (as "The Menace").

Their weapon will be a bomb, which can be set to explode in five minutes. The members are aware the job could prove fatal, but consider it an honor to die for "The Cause". To decide who will be responsible for the latest killing, the group employ their regular method. It is explained, "According to our ancient custom, the man who has lived too long will be put to death by that one among us to whom shall be dealt the Ace of Hearts." Expect sacrifice, betrayal, and the unexpected…

"The Ace of Hearts" re-teams star Chaney, director Wallace Worsley and writer Gouverneur Morris; the trio who had just unleashed the marvelously grotesque "The Penalty" (1920) on an unsuspecting public. Wisely deciding not to even attempt performing a similar stunt, they went for a lower key. But, while "The Acre of Heats" has everyone looking more like upstanding citizens, the filmmakers dealt "The Ace of Hearts" from the bottom of the deck. Here, sordidness looks sweeter.

The three lugubrious and emoting star players are all terrorists, and proudly so; whatever you think of the circumstances involving the bombings within the story, we are told that this group routinely carries out these murders. And, however implausible the events on screen seem, they are certainly captivating. Cinematographer Donovan Short gives it a glow-in-the-dark" look. Also note how effectively "extras" Cullen Landis and Raymond Hatton represent good and evil, in the restaurant scene.

********* The Ace of Hearts (9/17/21) Wallace Worsley ~ Lon Chaney, Leatrice Joy, John Bowers, Cullen Landis
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